Defogging VS Glass replacement


As practice shows window glass units can fail within years. There are a lot of reasons that can lead to broken seals. Temperature changes, wind, water, and other factors all have an impact on the life of a window seal.

Windows will be exposed to the elements during their lifecycle. Quality of windows is very important and have to be on high level, it will make your windows last longer. When the seal on an insulated window fails, air is allowed to seep between the panes, where it condenses. It might not be visible from the beginning and after there has been a fairly rapid change in temperature you will notice the condensation.


4 stage fogging

There are 2 solutions to fix broken seals:

  1. Defogging is the process of drilling tiny holes in the outside pane which allows the space to dry out properly before closing them up. This treatment process removes the water between glass panes and it might take about up to 2 month depending on the amount of moisture inside. With this procedure your window loses it energy efficiency because the argon gas can’t be pumped in again and the chances are very high that moisture will appear again in near future.
  2. Argo Glass & Windows believes glass replacement is the best solution and cost effective service to fix broken seal. This involves carefully removing the existing panes, cleaning the frame, and installing new glass in the opening. This option is typically the most cost-effective and reasonable solution to a failed glass seal.

With using only best quality materials Argo Glass & Windows provide long term warranty for any services that we provide. Call now for more details and take advantage of free estimates.

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